The FSSTT is an inter-disciplinary team within the Student Services Department (SSD). Currently, the FSSTT directly serves eighteen schools, but consultations are available to all schools upon request. In addition to the FSSTT Tech working onsite at each school, a Link Team Consultant is also assigned to schools to offer additional support. The inter-disciplinary team consists of a Child Development Specialist, three Behavioural Consultants, a full-time Art Therapist and Drama/Dance Therapist, a Consultant in Addictions Prevention, and a Youth Outreach Consultant. In addition to this team there are part-time services of a Psychiatric Consultant and Psychologist.
A full-time FSSTT Technician works in each of the 18 schools as a member of the school resource team and is supported by the inter-disciplinary team described above.
For more info about our team click here FSSTT Orientation Booklet